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The Free Little cute Kitty desktop wallpaper pictures for PC & windows Gallery #5

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    Most veterinarians recommend that kittens be vaccinated against common illnesses beginning at 2–3 months of age. The combination vaccination protects against Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline calicivirus (C), and Feline panleukopenia (P) and is therefore called FVRCP. This inoculation is given at 8 weeks and 12 weeks with a third FVRCP and a rabies inoculation at 16 weeks. Cats can be spayed or neutered at approximately 7 months of age. Many veterinarians will spay or neuter kittens as young as 7 weeks and weighing at least 2 pounds (approx. 1 kg); the practice is particularly common in animal shelters. Such early spaying does not appear to have any long-term health risks to cats, and may even be beneficial in male cats. Kittens should also be wormed against roundworms at about 4 weeks.
    Keep him safe. Nasty frights - for example falling down the toilet, being tormented by a kid or having a dog bark in his face - will have a negative impact on him. The more unpleasant experiences he has as a kitten, the more likely he is to become a nervous, mistrusting adult.
    Kittens require a high-calorie diet that contains more protein than the diet of adult cats. From weaning until about one year of age they should be fed a diet specifically formulated for kittens. Orphaned kittens too young to eat solid food may be fed a cat milk replacement formula every two to four hours. Kittens should not be fed cow's milk because it does not provide all of the necessary nutrients. Cats are generally intolerant of sugars in their diets and both sucrose (table sugar) and lactose are not digested and cause soft stools or diarrhea. Orphaned kittens that are not urinating or defecating must be stimulated to do so after each meal by rubbing with a warm, damp washcloth at the base of their spine where the tail begins. This is vital to the kitten's survival.
    Accept that your new kitten is a baby with loads of energy. Whilst you can discourage him from acts of willful destruction, you'll need to accept that your house is unlikely to survive completely unscathed. But hey, he's worth it!

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